(781) 449-5722

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Nerves that exit the spine interface with many muscles and ligaments as they course through the arm, wrist, and hand. There are various locations where these nerves may become caught or entrapped. The carpal tunnel, which is made up by the bones and soft tissues of the wrist, allows for the passage of nerves that supply the hand. Repetitive wrist movements, such as those used in typing or carpentry, cause friction and pressure within the carpal tunnel. This repetitive overuse promotes adhesion development in the tissues that house the nerves in the wrist, resulting in numbness, tingling, and pain into the hand. Treatment and strengthening of the muscles that move the wrist as well as mobilization of joints that move the hand is required to restore function. In severly acute cases, steroidal injections may be necessary to reduce inflammation and pain before mechanical treatment.